Kamil Essekkat

⚙️Software Engineer 💡Product Owner

Software engineer specialized in Python and Java/Kotlin. I'm an automation enthusiast and Continuous Delivery proponent. Worked as a dev in various environments and as a product manager.

Work experience

Freelance Developer

Various projects, for shorter timespans
  • Python project for a mail provider: Falcon, Postgres, Docker
  • Python project in commerce: Azure, Azure Functions, FastAPI, CosmosDB. Read more .
  • Python project, e-commerce: Django, Django Rest Framework, Docker
  • Python project, infrastructure services: Django, Django Rest Framework, Kubernetes, GCP
  • Process advisory and development, database proxies: Java 8, Gradle

Product Manager

PM role in a Scrum team, responsible for a client-facing payment product.
  • Global product, present on multiple continents
  • Scrum (but really)
  • Mostly internal stakeholders

Senior Software Engineer

Development, planning, coordinating a team in a software house.
  • Direct work with an external client
  • Streamlining architectural evolution of a production system
  • GraphQL
  • MongoDB

Python Developer

Development/maintenance of microservices for an e-commerce service provider.
  • Designing and implementing new services
  • Implementing data extraction feature across multiple systems
  • Building on a Python and MongoDB stack

Kotlin Developer / DevOps

Creating backend for a small, unfunded startup in the business of real-world events
  • Working alongisde Mobile and Web developers
  • Infrastructure setup and automation using Terraform
  • AWS Lambda for image processing and asynchronous workflows
  • Developing and evolving APIs (REST and HATEOAS)
  • Java8, Hibernate, PostGIS
  • Rewrite to Kotlin and ktor
  • Event bus architecture

Non-Functional/Performance Engineer

Finding and aiding in fixing of performance bottlenecks in a payment processing system.
  • Evaluating performance of a Java EE product
  • Refactoring internal tool to leverage Spring’s DI functionality

Software Developer

Maintaining backend applications for ipla.tv VOD portal (one of the biggest in Poland). Green-field development of a new payments gateway.
  • Initial domain modelling and requirements gathering
  • Architecture design and technology decisions
  • Successful integration of Camunda BPM, Spring, and Axon Framework
  • Introducing BPM software in department
  • Tech leading of a small development sub-team
  • Leading the use of Event Sourcing and Domain Driven Design
  • Creating automated tests with SoapUI for JSON-RPC and SOAP interfaces
  • Performance tuning of new features - on application and SQL DB levels
  • Streamlining Jenkins CI jobs with use of scripting
  • Taking care of current issues on a live system

Technical Architecture Team

Streamlining the development process in major integration project for a leading Polish telecom. Conducting performance testing and tuning.
  • Maintenance and development of project’s internal tools (Python, bash)
  • Maintenance over applications built on JBoss and OracleDB stack
  • Performance tuning of OracleDB (both on query and instance levels) and of JVM
  • Conducting efficiency tests on product from planning to reporting
  • Creating build pipelines around Subversion and Jenkins
  • Integrating OpenLDAP onto existing project’s infrastructure with continued service availability
  • Working closely with Development and Test teams on adjusting the development/release process



Python SQL Kotlin Java


Falcon FastAPI Django Django Rest Framework Spring Axon Camunda


PostgreSQL MongoDB


Git Jira Docker Docker Compose Ansible Jenkins CI Gatling




Professional Scrum Product Owner I



Export Kindle Vocabulary Builder into markdown files

svelte typescript css

Toy web site with counters to teach myself Svelte.

java spring

Queue implementation with deduplication and quiet period features. Used to solve a problem while consuming a queue. Hosted on GitHub and deployed to Maven Central.

python falcon monitoring

Small helper library for using telegraf/InfluxDB with Falcon APIs.

Spoken languages

native speaker


Warsaw School of Economics

unfinished bachelor, MIESI


Brief introduction to Event Sourcing and CQRS as a lead to Axon and hands-on exploration of Axon's concepts and usage. Outdated.

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